Workshop Details
Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems
07/20/2015 - 07/24/2015
Meeting Description:

The workshop Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems is a bi-annual meeting devoted to understanding charge and energy transport processes and phenomena in nanoscale molecular systems, in particular, molecular junctions. These systems combine the possibility to study fundamental aspects of nonequilibrium many-body quantum physics at the nanoscale with the perspective for technological applications in nanoelectronic devices

Experimental measurements of transport properties of single molecules in nanojuctions have revealed a wealth of interesting physical transport phenomena such as Coulomb blockade, Kondo effects, vibronic effects and local heating, as well as switching and hysteresis. The understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of quantum transport in single molecule junctions as well as the interpretation of these experimental observations requires the development of theoretical methods for the description of non-equilibrium interacting many-body systems at the molecular scale.

The meeting aims at an interactive dialog between experimental and theoretical researchers working in the field of nonequilibrium charge and energy transport processes in nanoscale molecular architectures. Focus topics of this years meeting include (but are not limited to) spin effects in molecular junctions and molecular magnets, nanoplasmonics, noise, vibronic and thermoelectric effects, quantum interference and decoherence, as well as nonstationary time-dependent transport.


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people.

Supporting Files:

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Elementary School
447 West Columbia Ave Telluride CO 81435

Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Agrait, Nicolas Univ Autonoma Madrid
Chen, GuanHua The University of Hong Kong
Cohen, Guy Columbia University
Darancet, Pierre Argonne National Laboratory
Dubi, Jonatan Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Evers, Ferdinand Regensburg University
Frederiksen, Thomas Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
Galperin, Michael UC San Diego
Korytar, Richard University of Regensburg
Naaman, Ron Weizmann Institute
Naaman, Ron [2nd Reservation] Weizmann Institute
Neaton, Jeffrey LBNL
Nijhuis, Christian national university of singapore
Nitzan, Abraham Tel Aviv University
Peskin, Uri Technion
Reddy, Pramod University of Michigan
Reuter, Matthew Stony Brook University
Scheer, Elke University of Konstanz
Selzer, Yoram Tel Aviv University
Solomon, Gemma University of Copenhagen
Stafford, Charles University of Arizona
Ternes, Markus MPI for Solid State Research
Thoss, Michael University of Erlangen
van der Zant, Herre Delft University of Technology
van Ruitenbeek, Jan Universiteit Leiden
Venkataraman, Latha Columbia University
Wang, Haobin University of Colorado Denver
Zolotavin, Pavlo Rice University

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