Workshop Details
Chemical Physics of Atmosphere Sciences
08/02/1992 - 08/09/1992
Meeting Description:

The purpose of this workshop is to introduce the chemical physics community to the atmospheric sciences community and vice versa. We hope to be able to identify current atmospheric problems and questions that can be addressed with chemical physics techniques, and initiate vigorous discussion on how chemical physicist can contribute to studies of global atmospheric change.


Pamela Aker, University of Pittsburgh
Sharon Anthony, University of Colorado CIRES
Guy Brasseur, NCAR
Laura Cooper, University of Colorado
Dave Crosley, SRI International
H. Floyd Davis, U.C. Berkeley
Greg Frost, University of Colorado-Boulder
Warren De Bruyn
Steven George, University of Colorado-Boulder
Kamal Goudjil, University of Colorado-Boulder
Birgit Kochler, University of Colorado CIRES
Kathy Lanta, University of Colorado
Timothy Minton, Jet Propulsion Lab
Martin Mlynczak, NASA Langley Research Center
Herbert Nelson, Naval Research Lab, DC
Mitchio Okumura, Caltech
Jeff Roberts
J.J. Sloan, University of Waterloo, Ontario
Susan Solomon, NOAA, Boulder
Margaret Tolbert, University of Colorado CIRES
Veronica Vaida, University of Colorado-Boulder
Alex Weaver, NASA Ames Research Center
Charles Wight, University of Utah
Leah Williams, SRI International
Paul Wine, Georgia Tech
Alex Wodtke, University of California, Santa Barbara
Mark Zahniser, Aerodyne Research Inc,
Jinsong Zhang, University of California, Berkeley

Meeting Venue:

Telluride School

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