Current Meetings

Dates listed below are the dates of the meeting per se (usually Monday - Friday). However, not all meetings follow this M-F format. The dates listed below are the correct dates of the meetings. Plan on arriving the day before the meeting and departing the day after. Stay a week to enjoy the stunning scenery, town, and fellow scientists.

Conferences are typically open registration. Workshops are typically by invitation. Summer Schools vary. If you are interested in attending a meeting other than a conference, but have not received an invitation, please contact the organizer about availability before registering. Workshops are small meetings, between 10-30 people. Summer Schools between 25-40 students. Conferences between 40-120 people.

JANUARY 08-12, 2024
John Straub, Norio Yoshida and Changbong Hyeon
FEBRUARY 26-29, 2024
Vadim Backman and Martin Aryee
MARCH 04-08, 2024
Richard Kriwacki and Shana Elbaum-Garfinkle
MARCH 25-29, 2024
Artur Izmaylov, Yu Zhang and Nathan Wiebe
JUNE 03-07, 2024
Franz M. Geiger and Alexander V. Benderskii
JUNE 10-14, 2024
Jason Benedict and Francisco Raymo
Jennifer Hollingsworth, Vivien Zapf, Nikolai Sinitsyn, Ekaterina Dolgopolova and Sam Greer
Kenneth Jordan, Jean-Philip Piquemal and Mary van Vleet
Matt Brahlek, Jiaqiang Yan, Priscila Rosa and Gabor Halasz
JUNE 25-29, 2024
Jenny Yang, David Lacy and Nadia Leonard
Henry Ashbaugh, Rachel Martin and Matej Kanduc
Guy Weinberg, Bob Varelas and John Lamar
JULY 08-12, 2024
Eran Rabani, David R. Reichman and Dvira Segal
Tatiana Kutateladze and Joshua Black
JULY 08-11, 2024
Nir Goldman, Ben Hourahine, Anders Niklasson, David Yaron and Tim Kowalczyk
JULY 16-26, 2024
Karl Heinz Hoffmann, Peter Salamon and Bjarne Andresen
JULY 16-20, 2024
Jessica Swanson, Brian Dyer and Joachim Heberle
Jessica Swanson, Brian Dyer and Joachim Heberle
Michael Heaven, Anne McCoy and Trevor Sears
JULY 22-26, 2024
Anna Krylov, Ksenia Bravaya and Thomas Jagau
Andrzej Kloczkowski, Robert L. Jernigan, Florence Tama and Ruth Nussinov
Andrzej Kloczkowski, Robert L. Jernigan, Florence Tama and Ruth Nussinov
Thomas Kleyman, My Helms, Peter Snyder and Aylin Rodin
Thomas Kleyman, My Helms, Peter Snyder and Aylin Rodin
Marilyn Gunner, Ana Damjanovic and Katharine White
JULY 29-AUGUST 02, 2024
Kay M. Brummond, Dean Tantillo and Matthias McIntosh
Stella Stopkowicz, Thomas Jagau and Anna Krylov
AUGUST 05-09, 2024
Yawen Bai, Michael Poirier and Song Tan
Elizabeth Want and Nichole Reisdorph
Don Siegel, Veronica Augustyn, Keith Stevenson and Anne Co
AUGUST 12-16, 2024
Jeffrey Pierce, Adele Igel, Jan Kazil and Derek Posselt
Jirka Kaleta, Grace Han and Sander Wezenberg
Natalia Tretyakova and Peter Beal
SEPTEMBER 17-21, 2024
Sahika Inal, Jonathan Rivnay and Laure Kayser
Aaron Forde, Yifan Dong, Jacky Even, Sergei Tretiak, Amanda Neukirch and Andrew Rappe
OCTOBER 14-18, 2024
Maksim Kulichenko, Nicholas Lubbers, Christopher Sutton, Robert Paton and Matthew Carbone
Alejandro Lopez Bezanilla, Andrew King and Rhine Samajdar
Alejandro Lopez Bezanilla, Andrew King and Rhine Samajdar
Summer Programs
Mark Kozak, Cindy Fusting and Sara Friedberg

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