Workshop Details
Complexity in the Chemistry and Physics of Lipid Membranes
06/09/2025 - 06/13/2025
Meeting Description:

Lipid assemblies play important roles in cell membrane structure and function though remain poorly characterized from a molecular perspective. Whether lipids mix or phase segregate and on what length scales, how membrane composition confers macroscopic properties such as membrane flexibility, curvature, and permeability, how membranes maintain asymmetric distributions of lipids across the bilayer, and how membrane properties affect the sorting and activity of membrane binding/transmemrbane proteins are all questions that directly relate to how lipid assemblies sustain cellular integrity. This workshop will bring together leading investigators to discuss recent experimental and theoretical advances and identify pressing challenges in the field of lipid membrane chemistry and physics.


We wish to ensure an intimate workshop setting, with no more than 20 to 25 participants. If you are interested in attending, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer before registering.

Telluride Science is about expanding the frontiers of science, exploring new ideas, and building collaborations. The workshop schedule will allow for substantial unstructured time for participants to talk and think. All participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop. Scientists are encouraged to consider bringing family or friends. Telluride offers a number of options for children's camps (including Telluride Academy, Aha School for the Arts, and Pinhead Institute). There is more information on childcare, camps, and family activities on Telluride Science's website. Feel free to contact Telluride Science's staff to help with any planning and/or coordinating care.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
721 West Colorado Ave Telluride, CO 81435
Click Here for Directions

Meeting Details:

Workshop Price: $ 499.00
Early Bird Lodging Discount Available Until: 01/15/2025

A $100.00 discount is applied to your lodging cost when you register before 01/15/2025.

Cancellation Policy: Once a credit card has been charged, cancelled registrations will be subject to a cancellation fee. Registration fees will be automatically processed once registration is complete. A $25 cancellation fee will be retained from a registration refund. Lodging fee payments will be processed 60 days prior to arrival, and a $100 cancellation fee will apply if cancellations occur after a lodging fee payment is completed. Telluride Science can only guarantee a refund for the remaining lodging fees if requested prior to the cancellation deadline that is specific to each lodging provider. Telluride Science recommends that participants purchase travel insurance to protect against unforeseen, last-minute travel plan changes.

Complexity in the Chemistry and Physics of Lipid Membranes Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Baskin, Jeremy Cornell University
Baumgart, Tobias University of Pennsylvania
Budin, Itay UCSD
Deserno, Markus Carnegie Mellon University
Diamant, Haim Tel Aviv University
Doktorova, Milka Stockholm University
Gorfe, Alemayehu University of Texas McGovern Medical School in Houston
Leal, Cecilia University of Illinois
Lee, Christopher University of California San Diego
Levental, Kandice UVA
Shelby, Sarah University of Tennessee
Shi, Zheng Rutgers University
Sodt, Alexander NIH

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