Workshop Details
Light-Cone Quantum Chromodynamics
08/16/1992 - 08/30/1992
Meeting Description:

The objective of the workshop is to review current strategies for solving QCD . Particular attention will be put on Light-Front approaches, but a number of other areas of hadronic physics including perturbative QCD, the parton model, small x physics, FESR, Structure functions, analytic QCD and applications to quantum gravity will be discussed.


Following the model used in Aspen last year I have not made a program for the workshop. We will meet at 10:00 am on Monday, August 17th to arrange a program.
I hope that there will be time for everyone who wants to present their work to give a talk. It would be useful if everyone gave some thought to how the workshop should be structured and what subjects you want to talk about. There will be blackboards and overhead projectors available for presentations. The large meeting room, where I expect about 80% of the talks to be has a small blackboard. There are larger blackboards in the smaller
rooms. Therefore, you should be prepared to use an overhead projector if necessary.

If you plan to make long distance phone calls you should have some way of charging the calls. I believe that there will be e-mail available but it may also involve some long distance charges. The Academy is working on an
in-state e-mail node. Telluride has an elevation of almost 9,000 feet so you can expect the days to be pleasant and the evenings to be cool. Telluride offers a vast number of outdoor and cultural activities for you and your family to participate in. Dress is very casual. There are a number of very interesting places close to Telluride tha ekend excursions including Black Canyon National Monument and Mesa Verde National Park.

Edsel Ammons
Antonio Bassetto
Carl Bender
Martina Brissudova
Stanley Brodsky
Mathias Burkardt
Fritz Coester
Armen Ezekielian
Stan Glazek
Paul Griffen
Kurt Haller
Christopher Hamer
Avaroth Harindranth
Thomas Heinzl
John Hiller
Kent Hornbostel
Paul Hoyer
Roman Jackiw
Chueng-Ryong Ji
Jin Woo Jun
Alexander Kalloniatis
Michael Krautgartner
Lubomir Marinovich
Gary McCarter
Yizhang Mo
Daniel Mustaki
N. Naus
Hans Christian Pauli
Robert Perry
Steve Pinsky
Dave Robertson
Dieter Schutte
Dave Soper
Cyrus Taylor
Brett Vandesande
Frank Wolz
Wei Min Zhang

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Elementary School

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