Workshop Details
Returning to the Molecule: Thinking at the Chemical Level to Advance Understanding and Function in Synthetic Porous Frameworks
06/10/2023 - 06/14/2023
Meeting Description:

This TSRC workshop will bring in global leaders in the field of synthetic porous frameworks, namely metal-organic and covalent organic frameworks, to discuss the importance of studying and understanding atomic-to-molecular level chemistry in three-dimensionally connected porous framework materials. The primary goals of this workshop are to invoke an in-depth discussion on synthetic methods to express molecular properties in framework materials, challenges in characterization of these extended, and often dynamic, materials with atomic precision, and further inspire creative solutions to existing challenges in their use in critical applications, including atmospheric water collection, negative emissions, solar energy harvesting, and low energy catalysis. This workshop is expected to foster collaborations between the leaders in this field and inspire paradigm altering approaches to the design and synthesis of porous framework materials for societally beneficial technologies.


IMPORTANT: IMPORTANT: As of April 26th, new registrants must secure lodging on their own, as Telluride Science has run out of its inventory - Thank you.

Participants should be aware that this workshop runs Saturday through Wednesday. Festival lodging rates will go into effect on the night of Wednesday the 14th. To avoid the rate increase, you should depart on the 14th. If your flight out of Montrose does not leave until Thursday the 15th, we suggest eating dinner in Telluride on the night of the 14th, taking the shuttle to Montrose after dinner, and staying at the Hampton Inn (970-547-4120) next to the airport. You will receive a discount at the Hampton Inn by saying you are a TSRC scientist.

We wish to ensure an intimate workshop setting, with no more than 20 to 25 participants. If you are interested in attending, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer before registering.

Telluride Science is about expanding the frontiers of science, exploring new ideas, and building collaborations. The workshop schedule will allow for substantial unstructured time for participants to talk and think. All participants are expected to stay for the entire duration of the workshop. Scientists are encouraged to consider bringing family or friends. Telluride offers a number of options for children's camps (including Telluride Academy, Aha School for the Arts, and Pinhead Institute). There is more information on childcare, camps, and family activities on Telluride Science's website. Feel free to contact Telluride Science's staff to help with any planning and/or coordinating care.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
721 West Colorado Ave Telluride CO 81435

Returning to the Molecule: Thinking at the Chemical Level to Advance Understanding and Function in Synthetic Porous Frameworks Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Bloch, Eric D. Indiana University
Brozek, Carl University of Oregon
Chapman, Karena Stony Brook University
Coudert, François-Xavier CNRS
Farha, Omar Northwestern University
Hendon, Christopher University of Oregon
Howarth, Ashlee Concordia University
Kaskel, Stefan Technische Universität Dresden
Long, Jeffrey University of California, Berkeley
Ma, Shengqian University of North Texas
Mason, Jarad Harvard University
McGuirk, Christopher Michael Colorado School of Mines
Miljanic, Ognjen University of Houston
Milner, Phillip Cornell University
Mirica, Katherine Dartmouth College
Park, Jihye University of Colorado Boulder
Park, Sarah POSTECH
Queen, Wendy Lee EPFL
Shimizu, George Univ Calgary
Shulda, Sarah National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Shustova, Natalia University of South Carolina
Simon, Cory Oregon State University
Space, Brian North Carolina State University
Taylor, Mercedes University of Maryland, College Park
Zaworotko, Michael University of Limerick

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