Workshop Details
Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems
07/27/2009 - 07/31/2009
Meeting Description:

Accurate and reproducible experimental measurements of quantum transport properties of single molecules have been recently reported. The experiments have revealed a wealth of interesting physical transport phenomena such as Coulomb blockade, Kondo effects, negative differential resistance, vibronic effects and local heating, as well as switching and hysteresis. The understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of quantum transport in single molecule junctions as well as the interpretation of these experimental observations requires the development of theoretical methods for the description of non-equilibrium interacting many-body systems at the molecular scale.
Recent theoretical work have provided a qualitative understanding of certain aspects of single molecule conductance and, in some cases, even quantitative agreement with experimental results was achieved. More often, however, the deviations between experimental and
theoretical results are significant. There is currently no consensus on the source of this deviations. Besides the fact that the molecule-electrode interface is difficult to control and characterize experimentally, available practical theoretical approaches do not include all important transport mechanisms in realistic simulations. Debated issues in the theory comprise the use of (ground state) DFT in most calculations, the approximate treatment (or negligence) of electron correlation and electron-vibrational coupling, as well as some other aspects of the many-body
non-equilibrium physics. Furthermore, questions involving molecular geometry and its evolution during transport also remain largely unsolved. The workshop will address these unsolved issues and other challenges in the theoretical description of quantum transport in nanoscale molecular systems.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 W. Colorado Ave Telluride CO 81435

Quantum Transport in Nanoscale Molecular Systems Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Bittner, Eric University of Houston
Cizek, Martin Charles University in Prague
Dunietz, Barry University of Michigan
Evers, Ferdinand Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Galperin, Michael UCSD
Gelin, Maxim Technical University of Munich
Guo, Hong Dept. of Physics
Haertle, Rainer theoretische Festkörperphysik
Hybertsen, Mark Brookhaven National Laboratory
Kirczenow, George Simon Fraser University
Kosov, Daniel University of maryland
Leitner, David University of Nevada
Pshenichnyuk, Ivan Charles University in Prague
Ratner, Mark northwestern univ
Segal, Dvira University of Toronto
Thoss, Michael Universitaet Erlangen-Nuernberg
Velizhanin, Kirill LANL
von Oppen, Felix Freie Universitaet Berlin
Wang, Haobin New Mexico State University
Wegewijs, Maarten Research Center Juelich

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