Workshop Details
Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale
06/21/2010 - 06/25/2010
Meeting Description:

This workshop was supported in part by the Center from Simulation and Modeling, Univ. of Pittsburgh (

This workshop will bring together theoretical, computational, and experimental researchers from across science and engineering to discuss thermal transport at the nanoscale. Topics will include, but are not limited to: (i) transport in nanostructured and biological materials, (ii) experimental techniques for measuring thermal conductivity and interface
thermal resistances, and characterizing individual phonon modes, (iii) using input from electronic structure calculations to predicting thermal transport properties, and (iv) applications to nanoscale energy conversion.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Avenue Telluride, CO 81435

Thermal Transport at the Nanoscale Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Chernatynskiy, Aleksander University of Florida
Dames, Chris U. C. Riverside
English, Timothy University of Virginia
Galli, Giulia University of California, Davis
Garde, Shekhar Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Gygi, Francois University of California
Hopkins, Patrick Sandia National Labs
Hussein, Mahmoud University of Colorado at Boulder
Jordan, Kenneth Univ. of Pittsburgh
Leitner, David University of Nevada, Reno
Li, Baowen National University of Singapore
Li, Deyu Vanderbilt University
Lukes, Jennifer University of Pennsylvania
McGaughey, Alan Carnegie Mellon University
Park, Keunhan University of Rhode Island
Phinney, Leslie Sandia National Laboratories
Sangi Reddy, Pramod University of Michigan
Smoyer, Justin University of Virginia
Stock, Gerhard Freiburg University
Straub, John Boston University
Yamato, Takahisa Nagoya Univeristy

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