The objective of the workshop is to review current strategies for solving QCD . Particular attention will be put on Light-Front approaches, but a number of other areas of hadronic physics including perturbative QCD, the parton model, small x physics, FESR, Structure functions, analytic QCD and applications to quantum gravity will be discussed.
The workshop will be organized around a core of talks that touch on all of the major areas of research in light-front physics and many related areas of hardron physics. A large fraction of the time will be allocated to working groups and facilitated discussions. There will also be some time allocated for seminars.
The organizing committee consists of
S. Brodsky, Y. Frishman, H-C.Pauli, S. Pinsky, E. Werner, K.G.Wilson
International Light-Cone Advisory Committee:
A. Bassetto (Univ. of Padova)
S.J.Brodsky (SLAC)
Y. Frishman (Weizmann Inst.)
S.Glazek (Warsaw)
G. McCartor (SMU Dallas)
G.A. Miller (Univ. Wash.)
J.M. Namyslowski (Warsaw)
K.G. Wilson (Ohio State Univ.)
H-C. Pauli
R.J. Perry (Ohio State Univ.)
S.Pinsky (Ohio State Univ.)
E. Werner(Univ. Regensburg)
D. Wyler (Univ. Zurich)
J. Vary (Iowa State Univ.)
Note from Steve Berry March 2009: Participants were referred to as "coneheads."
Telluride School