Workshop Details
Energy Landscapes: Structure, Dynamics, and Optimization Algorithims
08/12/2001 - 08/18/2001
Meeting Description:

Many natural or man-made systems can be described in terms of an energy-landscapes with multiple minima. Well known examples are: combinatorial problems, glassy systems, proteins, clusters and perhaps evolving biological systems. The workshop will be devoted to a discussion of the physics of these systems. Of particular interests is a characterization of the landscape geometry (‘how does it look like’), of the system dynamics (‘what happens in the landscape’) and of the relation between the two. As usual for Telluride workshops, the actual list of topics will reflect the interests of the participants and their mutual interactions and collaborations. Let us nevertheless mention a few areas which we expect would be of interest for most of the participants:
• Models and Prototypes of Landscapes
• Landscape Features and Global Optimization
• Local and Global Barrier Structure
• Local thermal equilibrium : entropic and energetic barriers
• Metastability and memory behavior of complex systems


Stefan Beottcher
Karl Heinz Hoffmann
Richard G. Palmer
Paolo Sibani

The format of the sections is to take a prepared one hour talk and turn it into a careful and detailed cross examination lasting 2-3 hours. This format has proven in the past years to be an excellent way to rapidly understand
new ideas. We invite you to share the learning experience that viewing each other’s work under such scrutiny can provide. The discussions aim to be constructive rather than critical, and all possible attempts will be made to relate the topics to the open problems of the workshop.

Individual participants are expected to provide their own salaries. The Telluride Summer Research Center helps arrange for housing thereby obtaining reduced rates for the participants and families. Different housing options are available, ranging from discounted one bedroom condos at $430 per week to three bedroom luxury condos at $940.
A registration fee is charged all participants. The ’01 fee is 160 $ for one week. This fee may be waived in special circumstances at the discretion of the president of the Telluride Academy. Anybody requiring official letters of invitation should contact the organizers specifying their needs. Registration and housing form can be downloaded from: sibert/telluride/telluride.html
Please respond promptly to increase the chances of getting inexpensive housing. The final deadline for early registration and housing is March 19.

The Center offers an excellent way to meet people from other institutions through coordinated visits. The center is equipped with computers that provide internet access for the participants, printers and copying machines.
The Telluride area, situated in an unspoiled valley near 4200 m high mountain peaks in the south west corner of Colorado, offers ample outdoor attractions making such stays enjoyable for the families as well.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride School

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