Workshop Details
Chemistry & Dynamics in Complex Environments
06/23/2003 - 06/29/2003
Meeting Description:

A forum in which theoretical methods for describing intrinsically large systems may be discussed and further challenged by experimental results of such systems. Typically 4 disparate focus subtopics are chosen so as to allow exchange of ideas between researchers in disparate fields.

Chemistry & Dynamics in Complex Environments

Objective: To provide a forum in which theoretical methods for describing intrinsically large systems may be discussed and further challenged by experimental results of such systems. By intrinsically large, one means such systems which are highly coupled and thus not easily reducible to effectively one- or small-dimensional systems. That is, these systems involve many-body effects and complex motions which need to be described by massively collective degrees of freedom. The commonality in this community lies primarily in the use of statistical techniques and not on the applications. As such, this conference would discuss a wide range of experimental systems and would further the cross-pollination between the application-based fields.

Observed Need: This workshop would fill the following needs that are presently not served by other workshops or small conferences:

- The focus is to provide cross-fertilization of ideas and method between 4 selected focused areas in materials chemistry, rather than on theory development. (In this way, the proposed workshop would complement the condensed phase dynamics meeting which focuses heavily on theory development.)

- To include 2 to 4 experimentalists per focused area so as to provide perspective on the theoretical challenges that must still be addressed as well as the experiments that must still be carried out. That is, the workshop will emphasize the synergy between experimentalists and theorists to understand problems in materials chemistry.

- The targeted focused areas will share the common thread that they may be described primarily as intrinsically large and classical. (In this way, the problems should complement the nonadiabatic dynamics workshop wich is clearly non-classical.)

Planned Sessions: The meeting could have a several of sessions which would include at least sessions on: reacting polymers, protein folding, supercritical fluids, and glasses and amorphous materials


Format: The format of the proposed meeting would be one in which each of the sessions suggested above would form the core of a day's worth of talks. On the fifth day of the meeting, there would be 4 mini-sessions to be led by different chairs in which the current problems in the field would be discussed with ample time for audience input on finding possible solutions. In principle, a paper or papers, possibly in the style of Bourbaki, may be outcomes of such bull sessions.

Organizers: For the first workshop on "Chemistry & Dynamics in Complex Environments," Rigoberto Hernandez (Georgia Tech) and Susan C. Tucker (UC, Davis) have agreed to serve as co-organizers.

Sergei Egorov
Sandra Greer
Marina Guenza
Nathan Israeloff
Andrew Marcus
Jeffery Saven
Pablo Debenedetti
Roger Loring
Ranko Richert
Eric Weeks
John Fourkas
Ward Thompson
James Watkins
Michael Naughton
Raymond Dean Astumian
Raymond Dean Astumian
Edward Valeev
Rigoberto Hernandez

Meeting Venue:

Telluride School

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