A forum in which theoretical methods for describing intrinsically large systems may be discussed and further challenged by experimental results of such systems. Typically 4 disparate focus subtopics are chosen so as to allow exchange of ideas between researchers in disparate fields.
Andrew Marcus ahmarcus@uoregon.edu
Marina Guenza mguenza@uoregon.edu
Arun Yethiraj yethiraj@chem.wisc.edu
Mark Maroncelli maroncelli@psu.edu
Rigoberto Hernandez hernandez@chemistry.gatech.edu
Thomas Kiefhaber t.kiefhaber@unibas.ch
Bobby Sumpter sumpterbg@ornl.gov
John Fourkas fourkas@bc.edu
Ranko Richert ranko@asu.edu
Franz Geiger geigerf@chem.northwestern.edu
Rob Coalson coalson@pitt.edu
Sindee Simon sindee.simon@ttu.edu
Darius Kuciauskas dkuciauskas@vcu.edu
Ward Thompson wthompson@ku.edu
Sergei Egorov egorov@egor1.chem.virginia.edu
Telluride Intermediate School
725 W Colorado Ave