Workshop Details
Modeling Biomolecular Structures, Interactions, and Functions (registration fee includes 2 catered lunches)
07/01/2013 - 07/05/2013
Meeting Description:

In this post-genomic era, computational structure prediction is an extremely active field. It is also one of the sub-fields in computational biophysics with largest number of practitioners around the world. The ever-increasing sequence and structure databases demand a fast development of computational prediction algorithms. Although certain computational methods are commonly shared with other fields, there are methods unique to this field such as the ones for developing empirical potential functions, for identify remote sequence/structure homologues, for sequence-sequence and structure-sequence alignment, and for functional prediction. The purpose of this meeting is to bring together the key players around the world to discuss major issues in methodology development.


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 W. Colorado Telluride CO 81435

Modeling Biomolecular Structures, Interactions, and Functions (registration fee includes 2 catered lunches) Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Ben-Tal, Nir Tel Aviv University
Jernigan, Robert Iowa State University
Kihara, Daisuke Purdue University
Kozakov, Dima Boston University
Mitchell, Julie University of Wisconsin
Orengo, Christine University College London
Schafer, Nicholas Rice University
Vakser, Ilya University of Kansas

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