Workshop Details
Clathrate Hydrates Fundamentals: Bridging Molecular Structures to Microscopic Properties and Behavior
07/06/2015 - 07/10/2015
Meeting Description:

Clathrate hydrates are crystalline inclusion compounds formed from the hydrogen bonding of water molecules (host) enclosing relative small molecules (guest). These structures have unique properties that originate from molecular interactions of the host and guest molecules. Much fundamental knowledge has been gained on clathrate hydrates, especially from the combination of microscopic tools aimed at probing the molecular interactions, both equilibrium and transient, using spectroscopy, diffraction, ab initio calculations, molecular simulations, and theory. This workshop aims to gather a mix of experimental, theoretical, and simulation researchers to state and discuss the latest findings and challenges on clathrate hydrates at the microscopic level. Particular emphasis are given in the synergism to be gained by stimulating discussion among experimentalists, theoreticians, and simulators in the topics of interest include, but not limited to, nucleation and growth, guest-host interactions, guest and host dynamics, structure-properties relations, unusual guests/structure.


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Elementary School
447 West Columbia Ave Telluride CO 81435

Clathrate Hydrates Fundamentals: Bridging Molecular Structures to Microscopic Properties and Behavior Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Bacic, Zlatko New York University
Brumby, Paul Keio University
Desmedt, Arnaud CNRS-ISM
Devlin, J. Paul Oklahoma State University
Hall, Kyle University of Calgary
Iitaka, Toshiaki RIKEN
Li, Tianshu George Washington University
Lo, Hsuan National Taiwan University
Ning, Fulong China University of Geosciences
Takeya, Satoshi National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science
Ulivi, Lorenzo CNR-ISC
Wyslouzil, Barbara Ohio State University
Yamada, Motoi Keio University
Yasuoka, Kenji Keio University
Yuhara, Daisuke Keio University
Zhang, Zhengcai Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geology

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