Workshop Details
Optimizing Thermodynamic Systems
07/22/2013 - 07/26/2013
Meeting Description:

TThermodynamics was the first topic at TSRC with the 1984 Horse-Carrot
workshop. This 30th anniversary meeting will examine the achievements of
the intervening years with an eye to where to take the subject next.

The envisioned topics fall into four categories:

Endoreversible modelling of thermal processes
Minimum dissipation processes
Optimal control of heat engines
Thermodynamic path optimization for endoreversible processes

Molecule pulling
Nearly reversible cycles in bio systems
Time scales and bio systems
Information gathering/use in bio systems

Quantum cooling
Quantum friction
Fast effectively-adiabatic processes
Optimal quantum control - new Casimir companion

molecular machines
molecular electronics
quantum dots
information use for efficiency enhancement


As in the past, the workshop will endeavour to give everyone an opportunity to share his/her current work or important issues of concern in the area of thermodynamics. The workshop will allow ample time for the crucial intensive but constructive quizzing of the speaker by the audience. This also allows the participants to exchange ideas in detail,
and experience has shown that many collaborations have resulted from these meetings. Regarding the specific topics, this workshop has always attempted to bring people from different communities together; thus every contribution is welcome that addresses issues in the field of

If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people.

Supporting Files:

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Telluride CO 81435

Optimizing Thermodynamic Systems Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
del Campo, Adolfo Los Alamos National Laboratory
Dieterich, Johannes Princeton University
Salamon, Peter San Diego State University
Schoen, Christian MPI for Solid State Research
Schwalbe, Karsten TU Chemnitz

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