Workshop Details
Energy Landscapes: Structure, Dynamics and Exploration Algorithims
07/15/2013 - 07/19/2013
Meeting Description:

The workshop will be devoted to a discussion of systems with multi-minima energy landscapes, such as glasses, crystalline solids, proteins, clusters, large molecules, and combinatorial optimization problems. Of particular interest is a characterization of the landscape geometry ('how does it look like'), of the system dynamics ('what happens in the landscape') and of the relation between the two. This is complemented with the presentation of simulation, optimization and exploration methods for multi-minima systems, and their applications, but any contribution in the area of energy landscapes is welcome, of course.

The workshop will allow lots of time for the crucial extensive and intensive but constructive quizzing of the speaker by the audience. This also allows the participants to exchange ideas in detail, and experience has shown that many collaborations have resulted from these meetings.

Regarding the specific topics, this workshop has always attempted to bring people from different communities together; thus every contribution is welcome that addresses issues in the field of complex energy landscapes - ranging from abstract models, questions of e.g. phase transitions in physics, chemistry or biology that proceed in finite time, residence times in metastable states and relaxation or aging phenomena on multiminima energy landscapes, issues in optimal control, simulation of time evolution of complex systems, and global optimization problems, over algorithm development to system specific applications in e.g. molecules (clusters, proteins, etc.) or solids (crystals, glasses, spin glasses, ionic conductors, etc.).


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people.

Supporting Files:

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Telluride CO 81435

Energy Landscapes: Structure, Dynamics and Exploration Algorithims Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Begay, Shanadeen Boston University
Cazals, Frederic Inria
Cheng, Hai-Ping University of Florida
Engels, Bernd University of Würzburg
Flikkema, Edwin Aberystwyth University
Hamdan, Rashid University of Florida
Hartke, Bernd University of Kiel
Johnston, Roy University of Birmingham
Klein, Bill Boston University
Moebius, Arnulf Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Re
Neelamraju, Sridhar University of Birmingham
Oakley, Mark University of Birmingham
Perez, Ismael San Diego State University
Salamon, Peter San Diego State University
Schoen, Christian MPI for Solid State Research
Schwalbe, Karsten TU Chemnitz
Smeeton, Lewis University of Birmingham
Wales, David Cambridge University

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