Workshop Details
Proton Transfer in Biology
07/12/2016 - 07/16/2016
Meeting Description:

Proton transfer reactions are of central importance in all areas of study concerning redox systems, ionic reactions and chemical catalysis, and there is significant recognition of the connection between biological and chemical reactions involving carbon acids and other very weakly acidic functionalities, i.e., the classical area of acid-base catalysis. However, the lack of detailed structural information has greatly impeded meaningful attention being paid to mechanisms of long-distance proton transport, in spite of its central role in bioenergy conversion by chemiosmotic systems. Recent successes in structure determination of the major energy-transducing membrane proteins have now set the stage for real advancement is this area. Just as the photosynthetic reaction center was invaluable for the development and testing of theoretical understanding of electron transfer in aperiodic systems, generally, so can proton transporting proteins can inform such developing fields as polymer membrane designs for fuel cells, non-aqueous electrolyte solutions, and matrix materials for heterogeneous catalysis. This is becoming an important focus area of productive cross-disciplinary exchange. The objective of the conference is to bring together scientists in diverse fields, who share interests in the structure and function of systems that transport protons and water. The emphasis is on long-range movements in biological membranes and model systems, but short-range proton and hydrogen atom transfers are also included to provide understanding of the nature of rate limiting events. The contributing fields include membrane biophysics, electrophysiology, structural biology of membrane proteins, bioenergetics, theoretical approaches to proton transfer, coupling of proton movements to electron transfer and conformational changes, molecular dynamics simulations, computation of protein electrostatics, spectroscopy and sensory transduction.


The registration fee includes breakfast on each workshop day, as well as one catered lunch. There is also a catered picnic on Wednesday night.

If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people. If you have registered for a meeting you were no invited to, you may be subject to a $100 fee.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Elementary School
447 West Columbia Ave Telluride CO 81435

Proton Transfer in Biology Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Agmon, Noam Hebrew University
Bondar, Ana Nicoleta Freie Universität Berlin
Brzezinski, Peter Stockholm university
Cui, Qiang UW-Madison
Gennis, Robert University of Illinois
Gunner, Marilyn City College of NY
Haines, Thomas Rockefeller University
Heberle, Joachim Freie Universität Berlin
Hellwig, Petra University of Strasbourg
Hosler, Jonathan Univ. of Miss. Medical Center
Kiefer, Philip Univ. of Colorado
Lin, Hai University of Colorado Denver
Maupin, Christopher Colorado School of Mines
Pines, Ehud Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Pohl, Elena University of Veterinary Medicine
Pohl, Peter Johannes Kepler University
Schlesinger, Ramona Freie Universität Berlin
Smith, Susan Kennesaw State University
Stuchebrukhov, Alexei UC Davis Chemistry

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