Workshop Details
Telluride Workshop on Polymer Physics
07/06/2009 - 07/10/2009
Meeting Description:

The purpose of Telluride Workshop on Polymer Physics (formerly called Polymers: Theory vs. Experiment) is to provide a forum for intensive discussions of rapidly developing areas of polymer science that have high technological and theoretical interest. The meeting is designed to have a balanced representation of active theoretical and experimental polymer scientists and includes both senior researchers and young researchers who are just beginning their careers but have interesting new results to present. Some effort is made to obtain representation from abroad, although no special funds are made available for financing foreign travel. Participation in the meeting is limited by the requirement that each attendee presents an invited talk. The selection of about 20 to 30 attendees is made through joint agreement of a conference committee composed of members with a range of interests.

The small scale of the meeting fosters strong interactions during the lectures and extensive discussions about the presented research and the planning of future research during the hikes and other activities in the afternoon break between the morning and evening lectures. Many participants form groups in town after the evening lectures to socialize and to further discuss research / disagreements in a friendly environment. This informal organization has led to a collegial and productive set of meetings.


Al Crosby, Instabilities in Polymer Networks

Juan J de Pablo, Translocation of Large DNA Molecules Through Small Pores

Douglas, Jack F., Influence of Nanoparticles and other Additives on the Fragility of Model Glass-Forming Polymer Melts

Jacek Dudowicz, Sellf-assembly under various conditions

Mark Ediger , Molecular mobility in actively deformed polymer glasses

Karl Freed, Electrostatic modeling of proteins and RNA

Venkat Ganesan, Equilibrium and dynamics in polymer nanoparticle mixtures

Charles C. Han, "Interactive Phase Transformation Between liquid-Liquid Phase Separation and Crystallization in Polyolefin System"

Ferenc Horkay, Ion Sensitivity of Some Important Biological Macromolecules

Ed Kramer, Block Copolymer Monolayers and Multilayers: Surface Effects on Phase Transitions

Sanat Kumar , Self-Assembly in Nanoparticle Systems

Tim Lodge, Pathways to equilibration in block polymer micelles

Murugappan Muthukumar, Polyelectrolyte dynamics in dilute solutions

Monica Olvera de la Cruz, Polyelectrolyte Gels: Solvation versus Segregation

Darrin J. Pochan, Kinetic Processing of Complexity in Charged Peptide or Block Copolymer Solution Assembly

Günter Reiter, Cloning polymer single crystals through self-seeding

Ken Schweizer , Slow Dynamics in Macromolecular Materials: From Soft Colloidal Glasses to Entangled Polymer Melts

Kenneth R. Shull, Fracture of Self-Assembled, Soft Materials

Sokolov,Alexei P, Molecular Cooperativity, Dynamic Heterogeneities and Polymer Dynamics

Igal Szleifer, Non additive effects in polymer coated nanoparticle binding: a model for targeted drug delivery to cancer cells

Zhen-Gang Wang, Ion solvation in inhomogeneous dielectric media

Arun Yethiraj, Atomistic simulations of polyelectrolyte solutions

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 W Colorado Ave Telluride CO 81435

Telluride Workshop on Polymer Physics Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Dudowicz, Jacek University of Chicago
Freed, Karl University of Chicago
Ganesan, Venkat The University of Texas at Austin
Han, Charles ICCAS
Kramer, Edward UCSB
Miao, Ling APS
Muthukumar, Murugappan University of Massachusetts
Olvera, Monica Northwestern University
Pochan, Darrin University of Delaware
Reiter, Guenter Albert-Ludwig-Universitaet
Schweizer, Kenneth University of Illinois
Shull, Kenneth Northwestern University
Sokolov, Alexei University of Akron
Szleifer, Igal Norhwestern University
Wang, Zhen-Gang California Institute of Technology
Yethiraj, Arun University of Wisconsin

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