Workshop Details
New Frontiers in Electron Correlation
06/20/2017 - 06/24/2017
Meeting Description:

Electronic structure has multiple branches, some of them over the years became established "gold standards" while others are emerging and developing rapidly. However, each of these branches faces some challenges that if overcame could lead to new exciting areas of applications. The aim of this workshop is to identify these "frontiers of electronic structure" and by collective brain storming help reaching them and extending the applicability of both established and emerging methods.

How will electronic structure evolve in next years? What new challenges should we attempt to tackle to successively grow as a field? How can we collectively design and implement novel theories while educating future generations of theorists working on these new problems? Which problems are currently almost within reach?


We plan to assemble a diverse group of theorists featuring both starting and established researchers that represent multiple branches of electronic structure and related fields such as materials science, computational biology, and condensed matter to discuss these issues. This workshop is by invitation only.

The relaxed Telluride environment will be ideal for the workshop participants to actively involve into charting a new road map for electronic structure that can benefit our whole field in the future.

Please refer to this site for additional information:

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Ave Telluride CO 81435

New Frontiers in Electron Correlation Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Baer, Roi The Hebrew University
Bravaya, Ksenia Boston University
Burow, Asbjoern LMU Munich
Chan, Garnet California Institute of Technology
Coriani, Sonia DTU Chemistry - Technical University of Denmark
Corminboeuf, Clemence EPFL
Evangelista, Francesco Emory University
Gauss, Jürgen Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Hsu, Chao-Ping Academia Sinica
Manby, Fred University of Bristol
Mayhall, Nick Virginia Tech
Neuscamman, Eric UC Berkeley
Rubenstein, Brenda Brown University
Scuseria, Gustavo Rice University
Sharma, Sandeep University of Colorado, Boulder
Shiozaki, Toru Northwestern University
Slipchenko, Lyudmila Purdue University
Staroverov, Viktor The University of Western Ontario
Valeyev, Eduard Virginia Tech
Voorhis, Troy Van MIT
Yanai, Takeshi Institute for Molecular Science
Zgid, Dominika University of Michigan

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