Workshop Details
RNA Dynamics
07/27/2009 - 07/31/2009
Meeting Description:

Motions of RNA molecules are intrinsic to their function as enzymes, as the active components of the ribosome, as riboswitches, as small RNAs that regulate gene expression, and as they bind to proteins and small molecules. Characterizing their motions is the next great challenge of in vitro experiment and computational methods, since not only does RNA have extensive global and local motions on many timescales, but as polyanions they are theoretically very challenging. This workshop is designed to bring together about 30 experimental and computational scientists who present their work in the context of what is known and what needs to be discovered. The format is discussion of theory and practice and how the two can be integrated. Attendees study RNA using NMR, single molecule, thermodynamics, molecular dynamics, or other physical methods.

Expected number of attendees: 30 maximum


Organizer: Kathleen B. Hall
Organizing committee:
Angel Garcia, David Draper, Hashid Al-Hashimi

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 Colorado Avenue Telluride CO 81435

RNA Dynamics Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Al-Hashimi, Hashim University of Michigan
Ansari, Anjum University of Illinois at Chicago
Bevilacqua, Philip Penn State University
Brooks, Charles University of Michigan
Butcher, Samuel UW-Madison
Case, David Rutgers University
Cheatham, Thomas University of Utah
Chen, Alan Washington University in St. Louis
Chen, Shi-Jie University of Missouri-Columbia
Dayie, Kwaku University of Maryland
Draper, David Johns Hopkins University
Fenley, Marcia Institute of Molecular Biophysics
Garcia, Angel Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Hall, Kathleen Washington UnivSchMed
Nagan, Maria Truman State University
Pappu, Rohit Washington University in St. Louis
Pardi, Arthur University of Colorado
Pollack, Lois Cornell University
Schwalbe, Harald J.W.Goethe-University Frankfurt
Simmerling , Carlos Stony Brook University
Vaiana, Andrea Universität Bielefeld
Walter, Nils University of Michigan
York, Darrin University of Minnesota

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