Workshop Details
Defect Chemistry and Physics of Low Dimensional Materials
07/11/2017 - 07/15/2017
Meeting Description:

Many exotic materials properties arise in defect-free crystals. Examples include single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene whose sp2 bonded carbon networks lead to extreme strength, conductivity, and carrier mobility. A defect in an otherwise perfect nanocrystal, however, introduces a singularity where new chemistry and physics may emerge. Over the last few years, experimental tools and theoretical approaches have emerged to study electron scattering, phonon coupling, excitons diffusion and trapping, and spin-orbital coupling at chemically tailored defect sites on nanocarbons and several other low dimensional materials. This TSRC workshop expands on our successful 2013 workshop focusing on carbon nanotubes and attempts to bring together researchers at this new frontier to discuss current challenges and opportunities from chemical, physical, and theoretical perspectives. The scope will range from defect creation by organic chemistry and physical means, to defect characterization with scanning probes, single molecule spectroscopy and electrical transport, to theoretical predictions based on molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics.


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people.

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Ave Telluride, CO 81435

Defect Chemistry and Physics of Low Dimensional Materials Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Bouilly, Delphine Université de Montréal
COGNET, Laurent Univ. Bordeaux
Doorn, Stephen Los Alamos National Laboratory
Fagan, Jeffrey National Institute of Standards and Technology
Filler, Michael Georgia Institute of Technology
Hight Walker, Angela National Institute of Standards and Technology
Ishigami, Masahiro University of Central Florida
Liu, Haitao University of Pittsburgh
Martel, RIchard Universite de Montreal
Maruyama, Shigeo The University of Tokyo
Miyauchi, Yuhei Kyoto University
Tretiak, Sergei LANL
Velasco, Jairo UC Santa Cruz
Wang, YuHuang University of Maryland
Yakobson, Boris Rice U
Yang, Chen Boston University
Yang, Shangfeng University of Science and Technology of China
Zheng, Ming NIST

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