This workshop is planned as a small, informal meeting of two weeks in duration on the topic of Phase Changes in Small Clusters. This topic is currently gaining momentum rapidly and seems to offer a fresh inroad t the general problem of phase changes in bulk systems. This is especially important at this time because the approach through finite systems offers powerful solvable models which, for example, (a) have already demonstrated that melting and freezing temperatures need not be the same for finite systems, (b) provides models for simulations which cannot be carried out unambiguously as laboratory experiments, yet are just as powerful as actual experiments for suggesting new phenomena related to phase changes, (c) allows progress to be made now on understanding phase changes away from critical regions, where so much progress has been made in the past fifteen years, and (d) brings to the forefront the variety of techniques for studying clusters experimentally by the methods using hypersonic nozzle jet sources. This workshop will bring together theorists conversant with finite systems, specialists in phase changes in bulk matter, simulators, and experimentalists. The ultimate goal of the workshop will be to advance our understanding of how phase changes in small finite systems occur, both thermodynamically and kinetically, and how these phase changes become like those of bulk matter as the systems are made larger. Particular attention will be paid to identify unambiguous, observable, characteristics of those phase changes and to devising experiments to make the observations.
The total number of participants in this workshop is expected to be 10-12 scientists. They will in all likelihood wish to interact with participant in the overlapping workshops on Thermodynamics and on Chaos in molecular systems.
The Center will run on a format of one scheduled talk per day with the remainder of the time available for individual work or collaborations in an inspiring and undisturbed environment. The Center will provide meeting rooms and limited office space for participants, some secretarial services and a collection of microcomputers to be used for numerical work as well as for the editing of papers. The center has no library facilities so please bring any references you consider indispensable. A $50 registration fee will be charged and each participant is responsible for their own summer salary, travel and living expenses. The workshops expect to have only a small sum available to assist needy participants.
Francois Amar, University of Maine at Orono
Jerzy Bernholc, Exxon Res. & Eng. Co.
R. Stephen Berry, University of Chicago
Julius Jellinek, University of Chicago
Mike Kellman, Northeastern University
Craig Martens, Cornell University
Telluride School