Workshop Details
Ions in Solution: Biology, Energy, and Environment
07/17/2018 - 07/21/2018
Meeting Description:

This workshop is aimed at recent developments in theory, modeling, and experiment related to ions in solutions of interest in biology, energy storage, and the environment. The focus will be on fundamental studies of the structure and thermodynamics of realistic models, including molecules and ions in water. These solutions are important in a wide range of problems, including specific ion effects in biology, ion channels, membranes, protein folding, and in multi-scale modeling beginning from a chemical level and building to the level of functional biomolecular structures. We wish to also include fundamental current work on nonaqueous systems, particularly electrolyte solutions in electrical energy storage and environmental applications. We also encourage pedagogical contributions on all basic aspects of electrolyte solutions.

The workshop discussion will include fundamental studies of molecular and ionic hydration, development of new theories and computational methods, and experimental work that will provide essential tests of theoretical predictions as well as motivation for new theoretical directions.


If you are interested in attending a meeting, but have not received an invitation, please contact the workshop organizer about availability before registering. Most TSRC meetings are very small, typically only about 25 people. If you have registered for a meeting you were not invited to, you may be subject to a $100 fee.

Supporting Files:

Meeting Venue:

Telluride Intermediate School
725 West Colorado Ave Telluride CO 81435

Ions in Solution: Biology, Energy, and Environment Registered Meeting Participants:
Participant Organization
Baer, Marcel Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Beck, Thomas Univ of Cincinnati
Bolnykh, Viacheslav RWTH Aachen
Friedman, Ran Linnaeus University
Ichiye, Toshiko Georgetown University
Kathmann, Shawn Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Lo Nostro, Pierandrea CSGI
Mazzini, Virginia The Australian National University
Meuwly, Markus Univ Basel
Muralidharan, Ajay Tulane University
Rempe, Susan Sandia National Labs
Remsing, Richard C Temple University
Rick, Steven The University of New Orleans
Rogers, David University of South Florida
Schenter, Gregory Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Singer, Sherwin Ohio State University
Tkatchenko, Alexandre University of Luxembourg
Wang, Feng University of Arkansas
Yethiraj, Arun University of Wisconsin
Zwolak, Michael National Institute of Standards and Technology

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