This workshop will be devoted to all aspects of simulated annealing, its implementations, and its interrelations with other topics such as neural networks, complex phase space structures, and finite-time thermodynamics. Open topics of the workshop also include optimal cooling schedule, the use of ensembles, interrelations with neural networks, complex phase space structures, and finite-time thermodynamics
The format of the sessions is to take a prepared one hour talk and turn it into a careful and detailed cross examination lasting 4-5 hours. This format has proved in past years to be an outstanding way to rapidly understand new ideas, and we invite you to share in the learning experience that viewing each other's work under such scrutiny can provide. The discussions aim to be constructive rather than critical, and all possible attempts will be made to relate the efforts to the open problems of the workshop.
Individual participants are expected to provide their own salaries. Academic and research institutions have recognized the value of participating in the Center's activities and have been willing to pay for work performed at the Center. The Center helps arrange for housing thereby obtaining reduced rates for participants and families. Last year a 1-bedroom apartment (2 beds) was available for $45 per day. A registration fee of $100 is charged all participants regardless of duration of stay, although such fee may be waived in special circumstances such as unemployed participants, graduate students whose support cannot pay such fees, and participants from countries with severe currency restrictions. Anybody requiring official letters of invitation should contact one of the organizers specifying their needs.
The Center offers an excellent way to meet collaborators from other institutions through coordinated visits. Extended stays are thus recommended. The Telluride locale, situated in an unspoiled valley near 4200 m high mountain peaks in the south west corner of Colorado, offers ample outdoor attractions making such stays enjoyable for families as well.
Bjarne Andresen, University of Copenhagen
Francois Amar, University of Maine
K.H. Benneman, Freie Universitat Berlin
Jerzy Bernholc, North Carolina State University
R. Stephen Berry, University of Chicago
George Bertsch, Michigan State University
Siegfriend Bleher, University of Pennsylvania
Boris Breznen, Stovale Academy of Sciences
Hai-Ping Cheng, University of Chicago
Michael Christoph, Institute fur Physik, Germany
Daniel Colbert, University of Wisconsin
Gerardo Delgado-Barrio, Instituto Estructura Materia
Randall Dumont, McMaster University
Uzi Even, University of Tel Aviv
Tova Feldmann, The Hebrew University
David L. Friedman, University of Rhode Island
Jeff Gordon, University of Negev, Israel
Stephen Gray, Northern Illinois University
James Hanson, Auburn University
Klavs Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute
Michael Hansen, Niels Bohr Institute
Karl Heinz Hoffman, Institute of Physics, Germany
Darryl Holm, Los Alamos National Laboratory
William Hovingh, University of Colorado
Dan Imre, University of Washington
Ibcuma Inoguchi, Science University of Tokyo
Charles Jaffe, West Virginia University
Julius Jellinek, Argonne National Laboratory
Joshua Jortner, University of Tel Aviv
Michael Kellman, University of Oregon
P. Labastie, UCLA
Michel Lallemand, CNRS, France
Robert Lascola, University of Colorado
Glen B Lesins, University of Oklahoma
Florence J Lin, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Robert Littlejohn, University of California
Shimichi Matsunaga, Science University of Tokyo
Andrew McIIroy, University of Colorado
James Meiss, University of Colorado
Masanori Mizu, Science University of Tokyo
Klaus Mosegaard, University of Copenhagen
Morton Rubin, University of Maryland Baltimore
Ryscard Mrugala, San Diego State University
Francis Narcowich, Texas A&M University
David Nesbitt, University of Colorado
James Nulton, San Diego City College
Andrew Ogielski, Bell Communication Research
Dirk Oh, North Carolina State University
Robert Parson, University of Colorado
Grace Peng, University of Colorado
Thomas Pickett, Idaho National Engineering Lab
Gomathi Ramachandran, Cornell University
Douglas Ray, Jila, University of Colorado
George Ruppeiner, New College Florida
Peter Salamon, San Diego State University
Christian Schon, San Diego State University
Michael Schuder, University of Colorado
Yumiko Shirato, Science University of Tokyo
Randall Shirts, Idaho National Engineering Lab
Paolo Sibani, Odense University
Edwin Sibert, University of Wisconsin
Stanislaw Sieniutycz, Warsaw Technical University
Rex Skodje, University of Colorado
Alejandro Spina, University of Colorado
Jean Standard, Northeastern University
Hiroki Suyari, Science University of Tokyo
Yasuaki Takahashi, Science University of Tokyo
David Tomanek, Michigan State University
Pablo Villareal, Instituto Estructura Materia
Warren Warren, Princeton University
Masakatsu Watanabe, University of Pennsylvania
Robert L. Whetten, UCLA
Carl Wieman, University of Colorado
Colin Wright, University of Washington
Oshima Yasufumi, Science University of Tokyo
Theo Zimmerman, San Diego State University
Telluride School