The topics may include:
Polyhedral to lattice-based structures; electromagnetic properties; molecule-like to condensed-phase spectra; phase transitions, phase rule and surface states; other topics to be suggested by participants
Here, at last, is the formal announcement of our 1990 Summer Workshop in clusters. Many of you receiving this will already know from informal discussions about the time, place and topic. Now we need to compile the list of people who plan to participate in the Workshop this Summer and start wheels in motion to prepare for the two-week stint. As in previous years, the focus will be primarily on identifying and articulating new questions that should be the next issues in the field and on beginning work on some of those questions. In April, when the participants are known, we will ask for suggestions of topics for discussion, and for a reprint or preprint from each participant. The list of possible topics will be circulated to the participants, with a packet of copies of the papers. This way, when we arrive in Telluride, we will all have clear ideas of what other participants want to do, whether or not we know for ourselves.
The format will be the traditional morning sessions in the Telluride School , with unscheduled afternoons and evenings, at least until participants decide to make them less free. As those of you old Tellurites know, interesting ideas worth pursuing seem to stimulate needs for meeting together for discussion and work.
Now, the most important thing is to find out who would like to come. The enclosed sheets describe the housing and registration. The registration fee, our sole source of support, will be $100 again this year for the two-week workshop; if you wish to stay longer for any of the other workshops, this one-time registration fee covers you. Participants in residence for only one week are being charged $65. This may go up next year to be the same as the regular registration.
We encourage participants to bring their families and use the time in Telluride as a holiday. The region offers hiking, climbing, fishing, horseback riding, tennis, swimming and other activities. The town, with a permanent population of about 1300 now, has restaurants, shops, a movie house, a historical museum, a day camp with a very good program for children and one of the more attractive mountain settings in Colorado. Telluride has a commercial airport. One can also reach it by car; some participants have enjoyed flying to Durango, Montrose or Grand Junction and driving from there. The trip from Durango is particularly spectacular.
Jerry Bernholc, North Carolina State Univ
R. Stephen Berry, University of Chicago
Hai-Ping CHeng, University of Chicago
Donald Ellis, Northwestern University
Diana Guenzburger, Cento Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fisicas
Klaus Hansen, Niel Bohr Institute
Michael Hansen, Niel Bohr Institute
Hiroshi Matsuoka, Illinois Sate University, Normal
Douglas Ray, JILA, University of Colorado
Peter Salamon, San Diego State University
Christian Schon, San Diego State University
Dan Sullivan, North Carolina State University
David Tannor, Notre Dame University
Manfred Irion, Institut fur Chemie, Germany
Pierre Labastie, University of California, Los Angeles
Robert Whetten, University of California, Los Angeles
Identified Questions for Continued Study
1. Evaporative cooling -- what structures are generated at finite waiting-time?
2. Electron-pairing -- what are the candidate explanations for persistent odd-even alternation in monovalent metal clusters?
3. Surface melting -- how to define it separately from the full melting transition. Does it carry a latent heat (first-order transition), or is it 'continuous'?
4. Supershells I (dynamical polarizability) -- predictions about infrared absorption resonances arising from the Lmax-to-Lmax +1 transition?
5. Supershells II (fluctuations) -- what is the information content from size-to-size fluctuations in ionization potentials or abundances of larger metal clusters?
6. Supershells III (quantum statistics) -- what is the level statistics of the large metal clusters, and how sensitive is it to perturbations (deformations, lattice structure)?
7. Ensemble-dependent properties -- how do cluster properties differ with ensemble [i. e. for clusters at the the same given total
Topics for Next Year
1. Particle-Particle Interactions -- including sintering (surface-melting and grain-boundary diffusion), formation processes and properties of cluster-assembled materials (thin films, etc), and collisions between clusters.
2. Particle-Substrate Interactions -- polarization vs. chemical effects.
3. Cluster-Surface Collisions -- ineastic scattering processes, sticking (wetting vs. intact deposition), electron transfer.
4. Magnetism in Clusters -- small ferro- and antiferromagnets (d- and f-block elements), and orbital angular momentum (or pairing) in sp-metals.
5. Propagators for many-electron mixed quantum-classical simulations.
6. Information from real-time (ultrafast) experiments -- how to extract it by comparison with MD simulations.
7. Statistical ensembles and variable E/T experiments.
8. Polarization and angle-resolved probes of cluster orbitals and structure (photon-photon and photon-electron experiments).
Telluride School