Recent technological developments in laser pulse shape control, coupled with analytical work and computerized optimization by a variety of research groups, have increased the interest in the possibility of controlling chemical reactions with controlled optical fields. This workshop will bring together researchers who work on different aspects of this challenging and potentially very important problem, with the goal of clarifying what is needed to make this approach practical and useful.
Some of the specific questions we expect to address are:
--Does quantum mechanics impose any limitations on the degree of reaction control which is possible?
--Several simple applications have already been tested experimentally. How does the computational and technological state-of-the-art compare with what is needed to make optical reaction control a general technique?
--Realistic experimental applications require robustness--molecule start in a a distribution of states, the Hamiltonian is never perfectly known, and lasers can never be perfectly uniform or perfectly modulated. How much robustness is really necessary, and how can it be built into calculations.
As with all Telluride workshops, the organization of this meeting is quite informal. All participants will be invited to speak if they choose. Workshops on Intermolecular Interactions (July 14-July 28) and Finite Time Thermodynamics (July 21-August 11) partially overlap this meeting.
Andre D. Bandrauk, Univ. de Shevrbrooke, Que
Susan (Seung) E. Choi, University of Chicago
Jeff Cina, University of Chicago
Peijun Cong, Caltech
Mohammed Dahleh, Univ of California, Santa Barbara
Audrey Dell Hammerich, Hebrew University
William Harter, University of Arkansas
Garng M. Huang, Texas A & M University
Alfred W. Hubler, UIUC
Yijian Jin, University of Notre Dame
Stefan Krempl, Tech Univ. Munchen
Richard Magin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shaul Mukamel, University of Rochester
Brad Paden, Univ of California, Santa Barbara
Anthony Pierce, McMaster University
Herschel Rabitz, Princeton University
T.C. Reimer, University of Arkansas
Stuart A. Rice, University of Chicago
Norbert Scherer, University of Chicago
Jeffrey L. Schiano, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andrew Webb, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Shenghua Shi, Princeton University
Randy B. Shirts, Brigham Young University
Frank Spano, Temple University
David Tannor, University of Notre Dame
Gerald F. Thomas, Ontario Hydro
Warren S. Warren, Princeton University
Andy Weiner, Bellcore
Kent R. Wilson, University of California, San Diego
Yijing (Gene) Yan, University of California, San Diego
Telluride School